By: Daniel O. Clark, D.C., age 89
Now that I can live pain free without the use of drugs and pain killers ... it makes me appreciate Upper Cervical Corrective Care so much more.
Now that I am able to sleep through the night without getting up to go to the bathroom every two hours … it makes me appreciate Upper Cervical Corrective Care.
Now each morning when I wake up feeling good and anxious to work on the computer … it makes me appreciate Upper Cervical Corrective Care.
Now that I am able to eat food and it does not turn to pain … it makes me appreciate Upper Cervical Corrective Care.
Now that I am once again able to brush my teeth, comb my hair, tie my shoes and button my shirt … it makes me appreciate Upper Cervical Corrective Care.
Now that I am able to walk through the market with my wife and not be totally exhausted … it makes me appreciate Upper Cervical Corrective Care.
Now when I look around and see how other people my age are struggling with their health problems … it makes me appreciate Upper Cervical Corrective Care.
Now that I was able to put aside my wheel chair and dance at my grandson’s wedding … it makes me appreciate Upper Cervical Corrective Care.
Now that I can get up in the morning able to make my bed instead of wanting to stay in it all day ... it makes me appreciate Upper Cervical Corrective Care.
Now that I can once again enjoy the little things in life that I once took for granted … it makes me appreciate Upper Cervical Corrective Care so much more.
Upper Cervical Corrective Care, a new way to get well and stay well, restores the body's natural ability to resolve acute and chronic health problems without the use of harmful drugs and painkillers.
It requires the weight of the head be perfectly balanced on top of the neck to prevent misalignment interference in “brain to body communication” so brain messages can keep the body in a "healing mode" and provide a better quality of life for all ages.
Thousands of sufferers are now realizing the benefits of Upper Cervical Care despite there being so few of these Upper Cervical Doctors!