(Editor’s note: This is a message from Dr. B.J. Kale about a trip to Nicaragua to provide Upper Cervical Care and was also recently posted on The Atlas Of Life.)
My team just returned from Nicaragua where we had some truly phenomenal care given.
One case that stands out from the many thousands that we delivered care to is a little 13 year old girl that has cerebral palsy. After giving her an initial scan and gaining her listing, she was adjusted on the wall because she could not get out of her wheelchair.
We kept her in day care for the morning, checking her every half hour. She kept a straight scan for over three hours, her demeanor was ever so pleasant, and she had a tremendous change after the first adjustment.
Then after the third hour she began to present a very distinct movement in her scan so we elected to adjust again. After this adjustment and with about 30 minutes of rest, her next scan was zero and her mother started crying because she was beginning to act like she never had before… she wanted to EAT. Something that simple. Her mom said she would normally have to force feed her, and even through that, Maria would only eat about a handful.
Not this time, NOT AFTER THE REMOVAL OF THE SUBLUXATION that has been with her since her VERY TRAUMATIC BIRTH.
She was calm, she sat, and ate an ENTIRE PLATE of food… then began reaching for another plate and yelling “MAS..MAS”. Then we began to notice that she was sitting up on her own without any assistance in her wheelchair.
After asking the mother if this was this normal, her mother cried and said “NO!!” Her mother explained to us that she has NEVER seen her sit up on her own, NOT ONCE! Then the little girl began to stand up and began to walk. Her mother was completely blown away with excitement. Maria took a ‘lap’ around the church we were in, all with smiles and giggling. She was so happy.