Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Upper Cervical Care Made Simple

By Dr. Daniel Clark

Head tilt interference at the point where the head and neck join can disrupt or distort the brain’s health and healing messages to the body, allowing numerous health problems to develop.

Muscles of the neck can hold the head in a tilt position and disrupt the flow of brain health and healing messages to the body.

Most people experience head tilt without ever knowing it.

Efficient, unrestricted brain to body communication is Upper Cervical Care at its best.

It is cost effective and the ultimate in wellness and preventative healthcare.

The Doctor’s First Objective:

Use the patient’s correction formula to remove interference at the point where the head and neck join to re-activate the flow of brain health and healing messages to the body so its natural self-healing process can begin.

The Doctor’s Second Objective:

On each follow-up visit, help the patient maintain their alignment correction so there is no interference in the body’s healing process until it is complete.

Editor's note: The frequency of follow-up visits will depend on the needs of the patient. Some people may find that they need to be seen more frequently due to the nature of their daily activities (especially if they are not able to change those daily activities) while others may be fine to get checked only occasionally (every 6 months or so for example.) Each individual will be a bit different but the goal of Upper Cervical Care is not about keeping you coming in, it is about making a specific correction and keeping it there for as long as possible and the more precise we can do that the fewer times we should need to see you.
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