By Dr. Daniel Clark
If you don’t understand why correcting head/neck mis-alignment can reactivate brain to body communication and help resolve most health problems … then keep asking questions until you do!
If you don’t understand what causes head/neck mis-alignments to occur … then keep asking questions until you do!
If you don’t understand how the “leg check” can help determine if there is head/neck mis-alignment … then keep asking questions until you do!
If you don’t understand why it is essential for upper cervical doctors to have precision x-rays to develop a specific correction formula for each patient ... then keep asking questions until you do!
If you don’t understand that each upper cervical corection formula is as individual to that patient as their fingerprints ... then keep asking questions until you do!
If you don’t understand why precision x-rays are as essential to the upper cervical doctor as eyes are to the brain surgeon ...then keep asking questions until you do!
If you don’t understand the value of regular check-up visits although a corrective adjustment is not made … then keep asking questions until you do!
If you don’t understand why efficient brain to body communication is essential
in order for the body to regain and maintain good health … then keep asking questions until you do!
If you don’t understand the difference between Upper Cervical Corrective Health Care and other types of Chiropractic treatments … then keep asking questions until you do!
If you don’t understand why head/neck mis-alignment is always there before the pain starts … then keep asking questions until you do!
If you don’t understand the importance of Upper Cervical Maintenance Health Care … then keep asking questions until you do!
If you don’t understand how Upper Cervical Corrections can help resolve most health problems … then keep asking questions until you do!
If you don’t understand that inefficient brain to body communication could be the direct or indirect cause of most health problems … then keep asking questions until you do!
If you don’t understand why Upper Cervical Corrective Health Care
is a full health care service for all people, young and old … then keep asking questions until you do!
It is a Fact! ...