Thursday, September 10, 2015

Case Study: Chronic Fibromyalgia Resolved Under Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care

On July 13, 2015, a study was published in the Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research (JUCCR) documenting the successful resolution of a case of fibromyalgia with chiropractic care. According to, "Fibromyalgia affects as many as 5 million Americans ages 18 and older. Most people with fibromyalgia are women (about 80 - 90 percent). However, men and children also can have the disorder. Most people are diagnosed during middle age."

The authors of the JUCCR study begin by noting that fibromyalgia is a chronic pain syndrome characterized by widespread, moving, and very frequently debilitating pain and fatigue. Most sufferers of fibromyalgia are very sensitive to being touched as even a small amount of pressure elicits pain.

In this case, a 32-year-old woman presented herself for chiropractic care after having suffered with fibromyalgia for two years. Her history indicated that she had suffered a separated shoulder seven years prior which was re-injured just prior to her fibromyalgia problems. Previously, the woman was treated medically with a cortisone injection and then sent to a physical therapist. She stated the pain worsened during those two months of physical therapy treatment.

In the month following her physical therapy, her health and vitality rapidly declined to the point where she was eventually bedridden. She was suffering with extreme fatigue, pain, and depression. She tried a variety of care including acupuncture, elimination diets, supplementation, tai chi, and meditation, which yielded no results.

She was given a variety of medications which caused her to experience side effects such as visual, sound, and tactile hallucinations, fits of rage, suicidal tendencies, and massive seizure-like muscle jerking episodes. She was then admitted to the hospital for observation by a neurologist for three days.

Due to her condition and the large amounts of medications she was given, by the time she had presented herself for chiropractic, she was not only suffering with her fibromyalgia, but with a variety of other health issues. These included rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, migraine headaches, hypothyroidism, polycystic ovarian syndrome, swollen ankles and feet, cold hands and feet, muscle weakness, numbness in the thigh, eczema, dry skin, blurred vision, excessive tearing, pressure over the eyes, indigestion, hemorrhoids, frequent urination and dribbling, painful and irregular menstruation, difficulty sleeping, irritability, fatigue, depression, and a general feeling of being run-down.

A chiropractic examination was performed which included palpation, range of motion, thermography, postural analysis, and spinal x-rays. The results of the test indicated the presence of subluxation at the top of the woman's neck, known as the atlas vertebrae. Specific chiropractic adjustments were begun to address the subluxation.

After the first adjustment, the patient reported that she felt a 20% reduction in her pain. After three months of care, the woman voluntarily began reducing her medications because of the improvement she was feeling. At nine months into her chiropractic care, the woman had totally discontinued her medication and reported that her pain had improved by 90%.

At the four month mark, the woman reported that she was 100% symptom free and that she felt she had returned to full health and vitality. The study documented that she was no longer bedridden, and was free of pain, fatigue and depression. The woman reported that her life had changed to the point where she had started working with a personal trainer twice a week and exercising three to four days a week. She was also able to fully resume her daily activities.

(Editor's note: Remember the objective of upper cervical care is to correct head neck misalignment that is interfering with proper brain to body communication. When this is corrected the body functions at a higher level and can often correct other problems more efficiently on its own. Please do not confuse upper cervical care as a treatment for any condition, disease or symptom.)
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