Thursday, March 28, 2013

Are You One Surge Away From Sickness?

surges, nerve system, sickness, Health, upper cervical care
Adapted from "Surging Your Way to Sickness" by the Weekly Sticky

What would happen if you plugged 10 appliances in one outlet and turned them all on at the same time?  You'd blow a circuit, right! Well, the same thing could happen if you surge your 'nerve circuits' with too much STRESS...

Picture your nerve system as an electrical outlet with multiple stresses plugged in. Turn on all those stresses at the same time and POW, you'll quickly overload your system, blow a circuit and fry your state of health! Upper Cervical Chiropractors call this head/neck misalignment. Depending on what nerves (circuits) are involved, you can experience symptoms from mild aches and pains to more significant health problems like High Blood Pressure (Journal of Human Hypertension 22,1 G Bakris, MD et al). So how can you avoid the dangers of stress surge?

Although it's impossible to eliminate all stress from your life, you can increase your odds of  staying ahead of their negative, accumulative effects with regular upper cervical care.  Your Upper Cervical Chiropractor performs his or her job much like an electrician... skillfully checking your nerve system for overloaded circuits and turning them back on so you won't experience an interruption in your state of health and wellness. When it comes to basic, preventative care, nothing beats 'keeping your Power on.'
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