Monday, February 11, 2013

Can Upper Cervical Care Help with Lower Back Pain?

low back pain, lower back pain, Upper Cervical Care, upper cervical spine, neck,

As our lifestyles become more complex, the health care field has evolved and produced new methods that can help unique problems. Consider back pain. If a patient complained of lower back pain years ago, a doctor might simply prescribe some pain pills and recommend that the patient go home and rest. Today, there are types of care such as upper cervicalcare that can help. Instead of treating the pain symptoms only, upper cervical care seeks out a potential cause of your pain, in the attempt not only to help you feel better at the moment your back is hurting, but to prevent future episodes by restoring more balance to the spine. It’s a more holistic approach to care that is bringing relief to the people taking advantage of it.

Some people know exactly why they are experiencing lower back pain. They might have been involved in a car accident, or perhaps they remember pushing themselves too hard on the tennis court. When there is a specific injury that has caused a specific pain, it is much easier for doctors and medical practitioners to treat. However, a growing number of patients are reporting pain that is unexplained. Some people wake up one day and suddenly feel their back hurting. Other people report that what was once a minor irritation eventually develops into something extremely painful. This is where upper cervical care is most successful; when there is no obvious or known origin of the pain, particularly lower back pain.

When your lower back hurts, it seems natural to treat the lower back area. However, upper cervical care takes a look at the upper spine, mainly the area of the neck, instead. Practitioners have found startling evidence that these two areas of the body are linked, especially when it comes to movement and pain. The spine is one continuous part of your body. It works as a single operation and the top of the spine, near your neck, is the most mobile part of it. That’s where you’re doing most of your turning, bending, reaching and moving. The upper cervical area is also the most sensitive part of the spine. It sends thousands of sensors down your spine any time it is affected. Therefore, caring for the upper cervical area of your spine will have a direct impact on how your lower back functions and thus feels. With the goal of this type of care being to locate and correct an underlying problem that could be the cause of your symptoms, looking at the upper cervical area makes sense.

The nerve cells in your upper spine are powerful and can hurt or soothe the rest of your spinal areas. If you have recently noticed pain in your lower back, do not immediately assume it can be cured with strong medications and hot or cold packs. Instead, talk to a health care provider who has used upper cervical care successfully. Instead of focusing on the present pain symptoms in your back, your provider will focus on the spinal area that starts in your neck, and restore balance back to the spine.  Your relief will likely be more substantive and longer lasting.

This post was written for the Upper Cervical Blog by Dr. David Kulla. Dr. Kulla is a licensed NYC chiropractor and owner of Synergy Wellness in Manhattan.

(Editor's note: Remember the objective of upper cervical care is to correct head neck misalignment that is interfering with proper brain to body communication. When this is corrected the body functions at a higher level and can often correct other problems more efficiently on its own. Please do not confuse upper cervical care as a treatment for any condition, disease or symptom.)
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