How much stomach acid does it take to digest a
cheeseburger? Or, how much calcium is
needed to heal a broken leg? How about a
fever, how high should it reach to fight a common cold? You don't need to surf Google for the answers,
your INNATE search engine already knows.
If you doubt there's genius inside you, just consider this –
the 50,000,000 cells in your body that will die while you read this sentence…
your innate intelligence knows how to replace every single one of them. The trillions of impulses coursing through
your Nerve System at this moment… innate is moving them at speeds approaching
248 mile per hour. The number of
heartbeats you'll get in your lifetime… innate reserved around 3 billion for
Google may be the web's leading source for information, but
it's got nothing over your innate intelligence when it comes to keeping you
alive and well. Innate has solutions to just about any health challenge you
have. All you have to do is search
within to find the answer.
note: Remember the
objective of upper cervical care is to correct head neck misalignment
that is interfering with proper brain to body communication. When this is
corrected the body functions at a higher level and can often correct other
problems more efficiently on its own. Please do
not confuse upper cervical care as a treatment for any condition,
disease or symptom.)