Monday, December 17, 2012

Why Was I Never Told About This?

Life flows from above down inside out

By Dr. Frank Bowling

I just watched a short video by Dr. Jim Sigafoose, one of my early mentors, in which he tells the moving story of a very sick young girl whose family had nearly given up hope when, like so many others, they finally sought care for her as a last resort.

Asked whether anything could be done, Dr. Sig replied, “I have no idea – but I can move the bone, and God can do the healing.” The father’s response was, “Why didn’t anybody ever tell me this before?!”

Well, to make a long story short, the girl did get better, but the relevant question here is, “What in the world was Dr. Sigafoose talking about?” Sounds more like religion than science, doesn’t it?

Innate Intelligence

You and I started out as two cells – one from our father, and one from our mother. Those two cells came together and formed the beginning of us, and over a period of about nine months, we went from one cell to (depending on whom you ask), somewhere between 10 and 100 trillion. We might call that “The Miracle of Life.”

The amazing part, though, is not the simple fact that we multiplied from one cell into trillions, but that they all went off in different directions to do different jobs. Some became part of our kneecaps, some formed a heart, some built an immune system, and so on. In other words, it’s like 100 trillion separate little animals crawling off to participate in thousands of complex functions, all conceived, orchestrated and conducted into the most beautiful symphony ever written, and directed by some unseen hand.

Any objective observer, any scientist can tell you that there’s more going on in this process than chemistry and physics. Whatever built us from one cell into a newborn baby did the whole thing on purpose. It certainly was no random accident, no chance collision of molecules. Those little cells are organized.

But here’s the important part: once that innate intelligence forms a new baby, it doesn’t go off and make another one – it stays inside of us, hence the term innate, and runs every aspect of our lives, every second of every day. If we cut ourselves, if we break a bone, if we have a cold or the flu or any other symptom or disease, it’s our own innate intelligence that does the healing. It just knows how to do it.

Medical doctors don’t heal. Medications don’t heal. Operations don’t heal. Upper cervical corrections don’t heal. All any doctor or pill or procedure or upper cervical correction can do is seek to remove the interference to healing, so that the body’s own innate potential can be expressed. Healing always flows from above down, and from the inside out.
Upper Cervical Blog, Upper Cervical Care
Moving the Bone

The principle is almost too simple, which is partly why it’s taking so long for it to be understood and accepted. “What do the bones have to do with innate intelligence?” you might reasonably wonder.

As it turns out, our innate intelligence expresses itself largely through our communication system, the nervous system, and that system is stretched over the body’s frame (the bones) like a spider web, or like the strings of a musical instrument, or like one of my mother’s doilies over that little pegboard she used to pin them on to dry.

Science has now confirmed that any distortion or restriction of our human frame can interfere with the nerves by disturbing their “tone” or “vibration,” in much the same way that the notes produced by plucking a guitar string are changed by altering its tension. Too much or too little, and we won’t be happy with the result.

We know that the nervous system regulates and maintains all of the organs and glands of the body, including the immune system, which determines how well we deal with colds, flu and other infections. We’ve even found out that a disruption of tone to the nerve system can alters gene expression, which affects how likely we are to actually develop the conditions or diseases of our parents. In other words, we aren’t necessarily “doomed” to have the same problems they had – much of our future can be influenced by the choices we make in our own lives, including whether and how we choose to care for our spines.

The Story

For over 35 years now, I’ve been sharing the above information with everyone who would listen. As Dr. Christopher Kent, another of my mentors, expresses it, “We’re talking about sculpting the future of the destiny of mankind by educating people about their choices.” In my college days, we just called it, “telling the story.”

Consider yourself told.

Wishing you health, happiness and peace this Christmas season,

Dr. Frank Bowling
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