Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Why Upper Cervical Care Matters

No Matter

But, I feel fine.......................No Matter how you feel.

But, I eat well........................No Matter what you eat.

But, I take vitamins...................No Matter which vitamins you take.

But, I meditate........................No Matter how often you meditate.

But, I get plenty of rest..............No Matter how much rest you get.

But, I exercise........................No Matter what form of exercise you do.

But, I have this or that condition.....No Matter what your diagnosis.

But, I have been told that.............No Matter what you have been told.

But, I take this drug..................No Matter what drug you are taking.

But, I can’t afford it.................No Matter what your financial situation.

But, I don’t have insurance............No Matter what your insurance coverage is.

But, I had this treatment..............No Matter what treatments you have tried.

But, I don’t have the time.............No Matter how busy you are.

No matter what else you do...if the messages from your brain do not properly reach each and every cell of your body; if your nerve system does not work correctly, then you will never be all you could be physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. You will never be truly healthy! Upper cervical care is dedicated to locating the a common cause of interference - head/neck misalignment.
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