Monday, March 28, 2011

Upper Cervical Care And The Patient With Seizures

(Editor's note: Remember the objective of upper cervical care is to correct head neck misalignment that is interfering with proper brain to body communication. When this is corrected the body functions at a higher level and can often correct other problems more efficiently on its own. Please do not confuse upper cervical care as a treatment for seizures or any other condition, disease or symptom.)

The Patient With Seizures

by Dr. Smith

Another interesting case is that of a 19 year old female, who presented to my office with complaint of sudden onset of seizures. She was admitted to the hospital a few days prior to this office visit, when the sudden onset of a seizure had scared her and her mother quite seriously. While at the hospital, at least three more seizures took place, and the doctors put her through an entire battery of tests, cervical x-rays and a brain scan, but all tests were completed as negative. She was released under supervision, but told there was nothing they could do at that time because the doctors didn’t know why the seizures were occurring. She had never experienced seizures before, so what exactly was the cause?

During the consultation, her case history revealed she had been the passenger on a public transportation bus when it had been in a collision about one month prior. I suggested that although the damage to the bus was considered light, perhaps enough force had been transmitted to her body that the upper cervical region had misaligned, and the increased pressure on the brain-stem was causing nervous system interference to the point of intermittent seizures.

We took upper cervical specific x-rays of the cervical spine, and it was determined that the axis, or C2 had misaligned to a greater extent than the atlas, or C1. The misalignment was considered a "constant", so she therefore had an axis major listing. Analysis of repeated spinal temperature graphs revealed the body was in pattern, and a specific vectored adjustment was given to the axis. Being young has its advantages where healing is concerned, and all other variables being equal, the body is generally able to heal quicker in a younger person.

After the first adjustment was performed and the resting period elapsed, the post scan revealed that her pattern had almost completely resolved. It took only two more adjustments over the next four weeks for the body to remain free of pattern for long periods of time. Although her body’s response was much quicker than typically seen, especially in chronic cases, the most important news is that she has not suffered from another seizure since that first upper cervical adjustment.
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