Thursday, August 19, 2010

Upper Cervical Doctors Don't Know Much?

A human being has 7 cervical (neck) vertebrae. How many do you think a giraffe has? Answer: 7 also. Humans have a total of 24 vertebrae in their spines. How many do you think a python snake has? Answer: 525. Why the sameness of giraffes and humans and the difference of humans and snakes? I don’t know. In fact, there are a lot of things that I don’t know about the human body both in its design and in its function. Lest you think that I am not very smart, let me add that the most knowledgeable scientists, anatomists, physiologists and doctors don’t know much about the body either. It has been estimated that we only know one-tenth of one percent (0.10%) of what there is to know about the body and its function. While we are all in pretty much the same boat when it comes to knowing about the body, those addressing the needs of the body are divided into two distinctly different groups when it comes to how to respond to our ignorance.

The first group feels that ignorance is relative. If they know more than someone else, or almost everyone else, they are okay. They feel they can just ignore or play down the importance of what they do not know. They do not subscribe to the idea that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. They try to affect what they can with the hope that the little they know will be significant enough to help a person. This group often sees the body as just a product of random activity affected by the circumstances around it. As such they feel comfortable in intervening, changing its function or its circumstances to whatever they think is best at any given moment.

The second group acknowledges its ignorance of the body and that this ignorance is a vital factor in relating to the human organism and its needs. They also realize that the living body has within it a means, an organizing principle, capable of running every internal function. Their ignorance just makes it all the more important that they allow the organizing principle to run the body. This group does not see the body as a product of random activity and chance but as a creation of an all-knowing Wisdom, designed to function according to principles which, if not interfered with, will do just that.

By now you have probably realized that upper cervical care falls into this second group. We call this organizing principle innate intelligence because it is there from birth (inborn) and the word intelligence emphasizes its wisdom in contrast to our ignorance. It makes human beings as well as giraffes with seven cervical vertebrae not because seven is a lucky number but because six would be too few and eight too many. It builds us with twenty-four vertebrae and the python with 525 because that is how many we need and how many the python needs. It is the wisdom which not only designs and builds a body in nine months but can run it for 100 or more years. People do live that long! However, its ability to run the body, heal the body and enable the person to reach his or her full potential in life can be limited by interference in the nerve system caused by head/neck misalignment. When this happens that organizing principle will probably not work as well as it should. Upper cervical care corrects these misalignments. They do not try to run the body but merely remove the interference to the expression of this innate intelligence.
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