There is nothing more precious than health. Because of that, we have one primary objective. That is the restoration of balanced communication between brain and body. Balanced communication must exist in our relationships or they will eventually fall apart. So it is with your body, balanced communication is the foundation of your health and healing.
In these times circumstances can often change quickly. Successful adaptation to these changes depends directly upon a nerve system free of interference. Being in tune and balanced will help ensure maximum adaptability.
We need your cooperation. We expect you will take your health and your loved ones’ health seriously, that you will do what we ask you to do, that you will study the information we give you, and that you will refer others to us. Someone out there whom you know may be suffering with various health problems and you may believe that Upper Cervical Care will not help that person. Please don’t make this mistake by prejudging what wonderful things the intelligence of the body can do when it is being fully expressed (see Can Upper Cervical Care Help). Send them. Most will thank you after they have begun care. Some will get the Big Idea and continue to be checked periodically and receive Upper Cervical Corrections when necessary so that balanced function will become a reality for a full lifetime. Should you have any questions on Upper Cervical Care or anything else we will do our best to answer them.
Thank you for telling others and taking time to get the facts on how the nervous system works, how nerve interference causes malfunction, and how easily and gently we can correct or reduce this interference thru Upper Cervical Care.
I hope that every human being will one day understand what we now try to share with you. Be well as you enjoy life to the fullest.