Monday, August 10, 2009

Depression and Upper Cervical Care

Abstract from JVSR

Improvement in Depression Following Reduction of Upper Cervical Vertebral Subluxation Using Orthospinology Technique

Glenndon C. Genthner, M.Div. Bio, Harris L. Friedman, PhD Bio, Charles F. Studley, DC Bio
[November 7, 2005, pp 1-4]

Background: It has been long speculated that chiropractic interventions may affect mental health problems. One such intervention, an Orthospinology technique to correct the occipitoatlantoaxial subluxation complex using the Grostic procedure, has been anecdotally noted to improve depressive symptoms.

Methods: Consequently, 15 adults were selected by their treating chiropractors as both clinically depressed and having an upper cervical subluxation, then treated with this intervention in 3 private practice settings in the southern United States. These participants were administered the Beck Depression Inventory II prior to an a Grostic correction of the upper cervical complex, as well as post-procedurally.

Results: A paired t-test demonstrated significant improvement in depression test scores (t=3.96, df="14," p<0.001). Conclusions: The data supports the hypothesis that the orthospinology technique to correct the occipito-atlantoaxial subluxation complex using the Grostic procedure may relate to reduced depressive symptoms.
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